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What are the components of solar photovoltaic systems (stations)?

There are three types of solar photovoltaic systems:

I) Autonomous (OFF-GRID)
III) Hybrid-Micronetwork (MICRO GRID)

The first (autonomous, OFF-GRID) consists of:

solar modules (1), solar charge controller (2), battery (3) and inverter (4). The electricity generated by the solar modules during the day is supplied to the battery through the solar charge controller, where it is accumulated. Through the inverter, the constant voltage of the battery is converted to the standard voltage, which makes it possible to use the household appliances so-called load (5). These types of systems are used to power non-electrified objects.

Pic. 1. Autonomous (OFF-GRID) photoelectric system

The second (connected to the network, GRID-TIED) mainly consists of:

solar modules (1), network inverter (4), circuit breaker (6) and two-way smart-meter (7). During the day, the electricity generated by the solar modules (constant voltage, current) is transmitted directly through the inverter to the standard, AC voltage and after synchronization is supplied to the central network (8). The electricity flowing in from the network and consumed by the household appliances (load) (5) is recorded by a two-way smart meter. Such systems are characterized by high reliability and long (more than 25 years) service life.

Pic. 2. Network-connected (GRID-TIED) photoelectric system

The third (Hybrid-Micronetwork, MICRO GRID) consists of:

(1) power generators operating on renewable energy (solar, wind); (2) diesel generators; (3) large capacity batteries; (4)- the management and control system; (5) electrical consumers (settlement, village, houses); (6) the central network (if any).

Pic. 3. Hybrid-Micronetwork system (MICRO GRID)

The MICRO GRID management system allows the connection to the central network (if any) and the integration to it, as well as disconnection from it and the autonomous operation.

MICRO GRID technologies are focused on the use of local renewable energies. As a result, it is no longer necessary to transmit energy over long distances, which reduces losses and the cost of electricity.

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